
Thursday, November 24, 2011

A New Venture

Here's to a new venture into the world of Blogging! I know absolutely nothing about it but I am excited to learn. I look forward to sharing my life, making new friends, and gaining some new experience in the process. It will be pretty interesting to see this blog develop and take shape. Occasionally I want to share what I call joy nuggets: moments in my life that give me great joy and simple pleasure, moments that create gratitude in my soul. We all need those. So here in my first post is also my first Joy Nugget:

I was out shopping earlier today and encountered so many people, so much traffic...In the midst of it all I felt joy and excitement at being alive to experience another Thanksgiving Holiday. I have great childhood memories of my mom, myself, and my sisters cooking and getting ready for the day. I come from a family of 8 siblings so there was always cooking and always noise in the kitchen. I hope that your memories of holidays are great. If not, then it's time for you to let go of those memories and create so new ones...Get in your kitchen, put some music on, cook your favorite holiday dish or meal and count your blessings...I believe that you will find that there is joy and great memories waiting to happen.

Happy Thanksgiving

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