
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Grass and soil??

Here's to your health! Drink up!
HaHa...It's amazing the funny things people say when they see or hear about a "Green Smoothie." This weekend I had some good friends of mine over for dinner. We got to talking about healthy eating...I mentioned to them how I have a Green Smoothie almost everyday and how much better I feel plus I have dropped a few pounds. (You know that I am so glad about that and thanking Jesus)! You should have seen the looks on their faces because they just knew that Green Smoothies must taste horrible and aweful. So I set out to prove them wrong! I decided after dinner that I would make them one of my best smoothies...They were having Ice Cream and I would have smoothie for dessert and give them a taste.

It was hilarious...My friends later told me that they were not looking forward to it but were gonna try it 'for me.' They were sure that it would taste like "grass and soil" and they planned on saving their Ice Cream to use as a 'chaser' to wash the horrible taste of my smoothie out of their mouth!! How funny is that! Needless to say once I convinced them to taste it, they LOVED it and would never have imagined that spinach and kale could taste so good.

This grass and soil taste really good!!!
And you won't believe it either until you try it...So that's my challenge to you: Try a good green health smoothie...It's great for your health, complexion, energy, well being, etc...What other reason do you need to try it?:) Go for it!! You will need a good blender to mix it up well...

I made a believer out of her!

 So here is my personal recipe for my Breakfast Smoothie (although you can drink any time of day)
1 cup of Carrot Juice
Splash of Pomegrante Juice
2 Handfuls of Spinach
1-2 leaves of Kale (Collards are also good)
1/2 or more frozen Banana
Handful of frozen Strawberries (or any kind of frozen berries, pineapple, mango, etc...mix it up)
1 apple or orange

Optional...Flaxseed, nuts, water, few pieces of frozen brocolli or cucumber...experiment)

You will totally love this smoothie and the energy that it gives you...

Health in a glass! I love it!
Enjoy as you drink your way to better health!

Leave a comment and let me know if you try it!


Minister of Style said...

I'm always looking to be healthier so I'm gonna try your green smoothie recipe. Loving that dress sis and thank you for you comment on my blog. I do have it protected so I'll have to figure out how to keep it safe but allow people to save to their favorites.

Sandra said...

You will so love that smoothie and the changes it makes in your body...Keep 'tweaking' it to your taste. Thanks on the dress...I'm gonna do some outfit posts as soon as I figure out the self-picture taking thing. Love your blog, I'll be visiting...Have a blessed day!